Lesch: “Cannabis should be legally equated with tobacco, alcohol, and tranquilizers.”

The addiction expert Univ.-Prof. Dr. Otto Lesch has long advocated for a factual debate, a broader range of cannabis-based medicines, and accompanying clinical research. We spoke with the specialist at the Medical University for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy and Board Member of the International Academy of Law and Mental Health about the following topics: Professor Lesch,… Continue reading Lesch: “Cannabis should be legally equated with tobacco, alcohol, and tranquilizers.”

Cannabis in traffic

Schmid: We are experiencing a mixture of arbitrariness and covert drug policy. In Austria, there is an increase in driver’s license revocations due to cannabis use. New record highs in drug-related offenses while driving are being reported continuously. However, how many accidents are actually caused annually by cannabis consumption while driving? There is not a… Continue reading Cannabis in traffic

Schmid: “Cannabis legalization promotes education and reduces prevalence rates among adolescents.”

The chemist and toxicologist Prof. Dr. Rainer Schmid headed the Department of Toxicology and Medication Analysis at Vienna General Hospital (AKH Wien), was a member of the National Anti-Doping Agency, and is involved in drug prevention in Vienna. Since 2017, Prof. Schmid has been the scientific director at Flowery Field. We discussed with Schmid: In… Continue reading Schmid: “Cannabis legalization promotes education and reduces prevalence rates among adolescents.”

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